Frihamnstorget is an open cultural space, a melting pot of grassroots initiatives where artists, craftsmen, small-scale manufacturing, cultural production and food are all in the same space. It is a true 'third place' - neither entirely private nor entirely public, constantly transformed and reshaped into what its members, visitors and community want it to be. At Frihamnstorget there are both larger and smaller areas and stage spaces inside containers and between containers that are the site of Frihamnstorget's cultural program with outdoor cinema, concerts, circus, gallery and festivals. There are also projects with urban urban cultivation, greenhouses and collective workshops with access to an electronics workshop, wood workshop, textile workshop, metal workshop and laser cutter. The diversity of cultural expressions combined with the exciting container environment makes the site a unique melting pot and gathering place both for emerging experimental art forms and for a broad public interested in culture.
The starting point for Frihamnstorget was when Stockholm Harbour had its 100 year celebrations in 2019. Blivande created the anniversary event with containers and slowly a container community started growing that became Frihamnstorget. 2020 Frihamnens Kulturförening was founded to be a creative plattform for the cultural activities at the containersquare. 2023 the first official cultural program was launched with circus, outdoor cinema, vernissages and festivals.
In 2022 Frihamnstorget finalized a historic building permit allowing for continuing “organic development” of the project over the years. A flexible building permit which is the first of its kind in Sweden and we hope to inspire other civic organizations to dare to contribute to innovation in regulatory institutions. From the start with a handful of containers in a section of the parking lot, Frihamnstorget has now expanded to 3000 m2 and 50 containers owned by small businesses, artists, and craftsmen, and still counting, we are anticipation more projects to join us over the coming years.
Frihamnstorget is run in a collaboration between Frihamnens Kulturförening and Blivande. Blivande is a place for participatory culture and organisations in Frihamnen, Stockholm. This is a homegrown community full of people who dream, aspire and want to feel at home, all existing within the Blivande ecosystem. Both Blivande and Frihamnstorget are fully participatory and have their roots in the Scandinavian participatory art scene.
Maybe you’re dreaming of an art studio, a space for your small scale production, or a cozy container office in the middle of the square? Maybe longing to part of a community activities in the green house or opening up a bicycle repair shop? Or maybe something crazy like a container pool, an interactive art project or a disco room for mini-parties? Why not remodel your very own container and join us?
If you want to know what's going on in the planning of Frihamnstorget, or if you're interested in getting involved, our forum is a great place to start. Everything from planning, communication, updates and future events takes place here. The threshold is intentionally low, and we all help each other out. So don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have!