Jhon Allan is an indie project based in Stockholm that has just started its journey. Last year Jhon Allan released his first EP "JUST A PHASE", a unique mix of genres where the mental struggle in everyday life is reflected from the artist's own experiences.
With thoughtful lyrics and tasteful melodies, Jhon Allan's previous EP "JUST A PHASE" captures the essence of his own personal struggles, growth and inhibitions.
This year Jhon has started his roll-out for the next ep “NOTHINGS TMI” which tackles a new chapter of the journey. The theme revolves around the concept of "7 stages of grief". Along with 7 songs, Jhon steps into the next leaf in his storytelling and expression.
Finally we get to have him perform his magic at Saša. See you there quings.
Open 16.00
Jhon Allan at 20.00
Four Klover until 23.00